Saturday, October 24, 2015

Equifax vs CreditKarma

Free Stuff, Giveaways and More : Equifax vs CreditKarma: Equifax offers one free credit report per year. They also offer a variety of products to purchase; such as Score Tracker for example.  ...

Friday, October 9, 2015

Let Your Family Know You Love Them More Than Your Phone

New technology is taking up so much of everyone's time. Teens, Parents, etc. 

Between cell phones, iPads, Tablets, laptops or computers, everyone is always on something - most commonly the cell phone. 

While you are sitting there texting or playing your games or whatever it is that you do, there are people around you talking, carrying on conversation/socializing and wishing you would be part of the group. 

When is the last time you called/checked on your parents & other loved ones? How often do they hear from you? 

How is your child doing in school? I don't mean just grades; Are they having problems with bullies, or other problems that they can't come to you about because you're too busy on your cell. (or computer, etc.)

Don't drown out the world, especially not your family and the ones who love you dearly. 
One day, when you finally look up from your phone, (computer, etc) they may no longer be there. 

Then you will have many regrets to live with. Time that you could've spent with them but didn't. Times you could've called them but didn't. 

Don't live with regrets later, love your family now, before it's too late. 

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Drama Queens and Busy Bodies

Some people evidently lead such boring lives, that they have nothing better to do besides snoop in everyone else's business. 

These are the kinds of people you really want to stay away from. 

You could barely know them and they would be asking you all types of personal questions. (Whether it's about you, your family, etc.) 

If you're like me, you would have the urge to tell them it's none of their business. However, the most polite way to handle this is to say, "That's a personal question, and I only discuss those type of things with those who are close to me."

This way, they have nothing to go back and gossip about, exaggerate, etc. 

Drama Queens and Busy Bodies are everywhere now days. It's hard enough to figure out who you can and can't trust, without having to worry about them, too. 

Just keep in mind though, they are really lonely people. They have no real life of their own, so they get their amusement from discussing others lives. Avoid these types of people - if and when possible. 

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Be Yourself

You were put on this Earth to be yourself, to be Real. You are not here to be what others expect or want you to be.

No one is perfect; not you, your parents or anyone else. We are all human and all make mistakes. That is part of Life, so is forgiving, forgetting and moving on. 

The one thing you should always do, is Stand Up for Yourself and the ones you Love. (This doesn't mean physically. You can let others know that you will not tolerate gossiping, etc.)

No one has the right to judge you (or your loved ones), they do not know what you're going through nor what you've been through to get to where you are in Life. 

Always stick close to those who have always been there for you. Never turn your back on a best friend or a close loved one. You never know when you will need that person again.

Monday, September 28, 2015

First Step To A Successful Relationship

Marriage and Relationships take 100% from each partner in order to be a successful and long lasting relationship. Any less than 100% on either partners behalf, and there will be problems.

The main factor in any relationship (friendship, relationship, marriage, etc.) is Trust. Without Trust, you have nothing. It is the foundation for everything.

Some examples: if you check your significant others cell phone regularly to check text messages, email or phone calls, that is not Trust. If you require their passwords to their social media networks and you check them regularly, this also proves that you do not Trust your partner.

These are only a couple of examples. Stop and ask yourself, do you do any of these things to your partner or visa versa? If so, how long do you really think the relationship is going to last?

If you know that your relationship is at this point, or if comes to this point, and you still want things to work; your only hope is counseling.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

When Life Gives You Lemons

Everything in Life happens for a reason. The majority of the time, we do not know what the reason may be.

It could be to make us a stronger person or to open our eyes to things that we weren't noticing before.

Then we learn to appreciate the good times, the good things and the good people/friends in our life.

Life is full of ups and downs, lessons and tests. How we "act" and how we "react" - both says a lot about us.

I've learned to never take anything or anyone for granted. Those that are close to us need to know regularly that we love, need and appreciate them.

And, as the saying goes, "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!"